Sunday, May 3, 2009

Exhaustion Setting In, Must Finish Organizing Moosak!

// Enjoying Ikimono Gakari's Sakura song immensely right now, although perhaps something a bit more hype is in order soon. Hard to stave off the urge to sleep with this kind of music... \\

Liquor before beer, nothing to fear. Beer before liquor, get messed up quicker. Something like that... Unfortunately, slamming both back in tandem may yield unfortunate results. 151 + Steel Reserve = bad times. Glad I thought better of drinking heavily at a party when I had work the following morning. Besides, sipping on a few Hard Lemonades, while a bit emasculating, is a much more preferable option to throwing up on the lawn and getting the spins for the rest of the night.

Birthday party for a few friends in Baltimore was fun. Saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in quite a while, some shenanigans abounded, and on the whole, it seemed as though everyone had a nice time, although there were a few alcohol-related casualties... <_<;;>ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破)

Here's to hoping that the wait was worth it! :D Too tired right now to go into depth about the Rebuild movies. Will catch some Zs, get to work, come back home, and ramble on and on about the movies later!

I Do (Not) Want To Go To Work... T_T

~ Kesshi, FXC

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