Monday, May 11, 2009

Why Am I Still Awake...

// I suppose I could blame it partially on Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake for their hilarious song dedicated to Mother's Day. I COULD... but I won't... I guess... for now... dot dot dot...\\

Having such a hard time getting to sleep on time nowadays. Internal clock must be skewed halfway to hell or something...

Chinese and Japanese home lessons are going as well as I expected, I guess. My memory's so terrible though; I can barely remember anything I learn. I suppose through constant repetition I'll get it. Maybe I just need total immersion. Hn, excursion to Japan? Seems like that'd be fun, in a "lol I can't even begin to imagine how I would afford to go there, let alone find a place to live and settle there for an extended amount of time" sorta way.

Role playing online is actually more fun than I thought it would be. I get to read other people's writing, and it's actually pretty good (for the most part). I feel embarassed sometimes by the caliber of their writing, and because of that spend an inordinant amount of time on my small posts. I need a consistent beta reader that I won't get pissy at... or maybe I just need to reign in my insecurities and not get so defensive when people suggest writing tips. :x Maybe maybe...

A small departure from the normal trend. Enjoy and Happy (belated) Mother's Day! (will probably have to update this later in the month with the official video link)

~ Kesshi, FXC

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